The Not So Inconvenient Truth
Human beings, confusingly complex and radically diverse in our make up, rule this world with all the confidence and shortsightedness of Gold Fish in a bowl!
We challenge each new day fuelled by our own personal quest to raise ourselves beyond yesterday’s disappointments. Shadowing our efforts for self improvement, however, dwells an inexplainable nagging of emptiness within our innermost being. This annoying lack of peace in our soul is often responsible for the pursuit of so many well-intentioned personal quests.
Since time immemorial, the busyness of our lives has only delayed the inevitable. When the noise of our striving abates, we are invariably left with that same ambient restlessness in our unsettled soul.
The “Not so Inconvenient Truth” is that lasting peace in our soul that can never be achieved without the assurance of eternal life. Eternal life, in turn, depends entirely on an internal revelation! Therefore, our conscious application of distractions such as careers, adventure, entertainment or even induced tranquility will always fall short of satisfaction. When yet another day dawns in our busy lives, that peace-shaped vacuum is still there.
So what can truly satisfy an aching human soul? What will gratify the age-old necessity for the pursuit of excellence, power or religion? When is a man or woman ever completely fulfilled and at peace?
The answer is found in the early writings of the appointed representatives of the builder and designer of that same human soul, the Creator God Himself. In His book, The Bible, the Creator tells us that He has placed a “desire for eternity” in our hearts. The famous and often quoted St. Augustine said, “Thou has made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”
Despite the fact that we humans love to control our own lives, the truth is that we will never, ever find that peace that passes all understanding until the day we accept the gift of God. He has made it clear that our ungodliness separates us from Him and that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus His Son. The truth is that until we possess this peace within us, we spend all we have trying to find it. When we do accept the Gift of God, without exception we not only find peace, but a wonderful dimension of life such as we had never anticipated. The Creator confidently says, “He who has the Son has life: he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”
To endorse this very convenient truth, God assures us: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you you will have trouble. Take heart! I have overcome the world."
Douglas Greenfield
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